Well things started a little crazy (we were vacating our home and moving in w/ my parents). Plus, Aaron caught the flu BAD (2 days before Christmas)! Gabi did not falter...she was her happy go lucky self. She did have a battle over Santa's cookies, though! We were very blessed to have shared the holidays with everyone (except for Goober and Magra). Gabi LOVES her chair, btw. We had to work w/ her on not standing up on it for a few days. AND, I'm told that she has become a little bossy at school, telling her friends to "sit down." :) Ay, my baby!
It was great seeing all the kiddos in Lubbock. Aaron and I couldn't believe how big the kids have grown. It was also nice to hang out w/ Danny & Debbie. They know us so well and give us the best and most fitting gifts (i.e. SHERIDAN's). I LOVE the pic of Gabi n" Debbie (SO SWEET...thank you Debbie and Danny)! And the Josie's pic is priceless. We always pack our fat pants when we go to Lubbock! Lastly, who could forget Fast Eddie's? Cheers to my sisters-in-law. Kuddos to you both! You have the hardest jobs as stay at home mom's! You earned a night out! Love n' miss you all!
This video is short but HILARIOUS! It all started shortly after Christmas and has been repeated EVERY NIGHT SINCE!!! I bought her a toddler Posturpedic pillow for Christmas and as you can see she hates it! She throws it out of her crib EVERY night then lies down peacefully for 10-11 hours!