Gabi started "school" 4 weeks ago also. I didn't want to do it, mind you but my mom was not feeling well and we needed to give her a break. Gabi, being the social butterfly that she is, took to her knew environment VERY well. She pushed down to work the classroom on her 1st day there, in fact! She also began walking within days of hanging out among those babies on two feet instead of 4...that's my girl! She is only there on Wednesdays and 1/2 a day on Fridays so I don't feel that bad but it's still been an adjustment. 4 weeks later I still feel like a stalker hanging outside her classroom window (just in case I hear a whimper). My baby is growing up so fast! Aaron and I flip through all of my cell phone pictures at least once a month to reminisce on all those precious moments.

Now that Gabi is mobile and exploring every crevice of her environment (see video) she has been blabbering more too. Aaron and I had only heard a few actual words though like "Mama" and "Dada." Again, within days of starting daycare we heard WORDS. Well, and I had a long chat w/ Gabi's pediatrician and she assured me Gabi was very on track, verbally and overall. For about 4 weeks now we have been listening more intentionally and Gabi is repeating EVERYTHING! Now we REALLY have to watch what WE say! She says "juice", "Daddy", "Nana", "Papa", "cheese", "no", "wow", and MY PERSONAL (Aaron's LEAST) FAVORITE:"SHOE"!
I also caught a few pictures of Gabi and Daddy tending to the was precious watching them work together....Awww
She also began rolling a ball to us last month (see video) and now she is constantly wanting to play. We are so proud of our baby girl and thankful for all the blessings and joy we have received from God through her. Every day seems to bring some new miracle...however small it may seem to anyone who isn't a parent but so GREAT in our eyes!