Whew!!!!!!!!!! Well, our lives have been a whirlwind of craziness since our last posting but we are very blessed this Christmas! Last week marked the final days of school for me before Christmas break. I gave my kids a special assignment on Monday: give to those less fortunate than themselves. So, we traveled to Hatch to pack food and minister to the poor. It was amazing! I was so proud of my 2nd graders!!!! Thursday and Friday were rough because it was my first time doing report cards with Gabi (NO sleep)! I am SO grateful for Aaron and my mom because I could not have gotten through the insanity without either of them.

Saturday and Sunday brought cleaning and preparation for incoming Cali family (it's insane how much laundry accumulates with one small infant)! The crazies showed up late Sunday night and since then we've been chillin', drinkin' beer, playing games, and watching the cousins play! Gabi even got the star role as baby Jesus in our church's Christmas pageant! And, OF COURSE Daddy and I HAD to let her wake up in our bed on Christmas morning. My heart feels so good to see Gabi, her aunts, uncles, and cousins spending quality time together.

Our little Gabriella will be blessed and baptized tomorrow. Then we celebrate Round 2: Christmas with our family in Lubbock....can't wait!!!!